Fragments of Time, a triptych series, combines tradition and modernity to reveal the essence of temporal existence. Comprising three interconnected pieces, "The Beginning," "The Middle", and "The End", this collection captures significant moments across eras. Using traditional and contemporary techniques, it highlights objects that represent my journey, creating a narrative of nostalgia and connection. Throughout the triptych, these objects symbolically disintegrate, gradually lost in a sea of familiar clutter.
In creating this series, I aimed to explore how the symbolic disintegration of objects reflects the meaning of existence in a materialistic world. I aim to show how the delicacy of life is often spoiled by our surroundings. As the series progresses, "The Middle" and "The End" continue this exploration, delving deeper into the interplay between memory and oblivion. Amidst the changing tapestry of time, shared objects resurface and fade, prompting reflection on the fleeting nature of existence and the lasting impact of our material consumption.
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